Aya Moneer Mostafa Mohamed MSc
Development of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) - assisted sensitive analytic methodologies for detection and monitoring of protein biomarkers
Aya was born and raised in Assiut city, Egypt. She graduated fromo the faculty of pharmacy, Assiut university with Bsc (Hons) and was the fifth in her class. Aya got hired as a demonstrator by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut university in Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry department. Later she conducted her MSc in Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry in addition to teaching undergraduate students and got promoted to the position of assistant lecturer. While researching Aya published one review paper and three original work papers. Aya was awarded the Newton-Mosharafa full scholarship to study her PhD in the UK, at Kingston University.
When not in the lab, Aya enjoys writing as a hobby and a way to express her thoughts, in addition to listening to music, exploring new places in London, cooking and reading.